Meditation practice to clear negatives

Meditation Space

First, write down your intentions, make sure it is positively worded. What you want rather than what you don’t want.  EG if you say I don’t want to think of a pink elephant. Guess what?  YOu will think of a pink Elephant regardless of the word DON’T. If you don’t want to be unhappy write the positive. I am happy, I am financially secure, I am a confident person, I have abundant good health

Make yourself comfortable, feet flat on the floor, hands on knees with palms facing upwards.

Now focus on your breath & as you breathe in to relax & as you breathe out let go of worries & tensions in your life. 

Breathe in & relax 12345 (count to 5) Breathe out 12345(count to 5) Repeat these 5 times imagine a long winding pathway with beautiful flowers on either side.  This pathway will lead you to your sanctuary which is safe & calming. As you look at the pathway notice the colour of the flowers, the lush green grass & the peace that surrounds the entire area.  PAUSE

Continue walking up this pathway observing the beauty until you come to your own private sanctuary.  PAUSE

As you come to the door of your sanctuary you will notice that the door is locked.  The key is in a box next to the door.  This box will only open when you shed all your worries, fears & any negative emotion & throw them into the trash can beside you.  PAUSE

Now that you have emptied all the negative emotions that hold you back & limit your life to reach into the box & take out the key & unlock the door.  And there in front of you is the most beautiful room you have ever seen.  Take a moment to absorb this beauty of this room.  PAUSE

Only people you invite can come into your sanctuary.  You may want to invite your guardian angel, God or your spirit guides to join you.  Ask for their guidance & ask them for answers to your questions - -  wait for their response.  You are here take time to meditate and relax. BIG PAUSE

When ready say goodbye to your private sanctuary knowing that you can return whenever you want to relax or find answers. SMALL PAUSE

Walk to the door carefully closing it behind you. You retrieve the key from the box & lock the door. Put the key back into the box.  Notice that the trash can has been emptied & cleaned.  All your worries, fears & negative emotions have all been thrown out & eliminated. Your soul feels so light that you could float in the air. SMALL PAUSE

As you walk back down the path you are overflowing with happiness feel the glow in your body & the lightness in your step.  SMALL PAUSE

You have the knowledge that you can always go back to your special place anytime you want to.

You are so deeply relaxed & it is now time to slowly start coming back into the room.  Notice your breathing, feel your hands and feet.  Feel aware that you are in the room now, becoming more present with each breathe you connect to the here & now.  Just sit for a few moments aware of the sounds in the room.

When you are ready to come back into the room back to the here & now………….

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Tao Te Ching - Chapter 1


Messages from Grace - Spirit Guide