Messages from Grace - Spirit Guide


Now, Grace never shows up unless we have something to seriously share!

GRACE, Hi, all have a great night relaxing with lovers and mixing with a friend!

GRACE, you never really know the strength of the intimate relationships you bring to yourselves, yes to yourselves. It’s for growth and the feeling of life. Soft hands soft journey into ourselves. (like that) You draw that person that fill a void of what you need, as for how long that is to be found out.

GRACE, you think the grass is greener outside of what you know!

GRACE, who determines how long you are together.

GRACE, who has the answers, the ego doesn’t.

GRACE, you think through ego-self you can determine that. Can you?

GRACE, lessons learnt through existing feelings and partners are about change and growth, are you up to the feeling that change and knowing the change that will grow for both of you, = better outcomes?

GRACE, maybe not you, you decide I am not getting what I want so I am out of the relationship. You always have a choice, but perhaps its easier to give this relationship up and wait until next life to do the same again and then make the same choices again x 3. Ha-ha, the risk.

GRACE, talk about complicated earth energies.

What outcome do you want, where are you centred do you consider your journey and life lessons?

Safe and secure where you are, ask the universe is this relationship for me. The answer will come, just listen. Its is so much easier to make reasons to leave.

GRACE, life is love, laughter and lust around relationships if one is missing it is harder to stay again one of the 4 x LLLL is missing in new relationships same, same, but different.

Check and balance and patience.

GRACE, it wasn’t meant to be easy. LLLL.

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Meditation practice to clear negatives


Reiki Hand Positions