Mikes Spiritual Signpost life- see how we got to here.

My Path, and how it all happened!= Meant to be.

How did things start- I was shown a vision of my Soul entering through the blue skies with small clouds around me as I entered Earth’s atmosphere.

1st signpost my sister introduced a Tarot reading 1st ever. What is this? I needed to know more! —approx 1993. I started to notice many signposts and directional changes that I had previously ignored. Who is in charge, not me? 2nd signpost, I contacted another reader in this unseen mystical work. I drove North of the River and met this mystic lady with very little to her name! She opened my eyes and ears to other things, mentioning my deceased Grandfather.

My logical mind says no then my Heart says otherwise!

3rd signpost Enter Denny and Wally- a huge influence on my life. A local Tarot reader who I visited and then revisited within a couple of months then it all started. Introducing me to Arc Angels and the unseen Guides we have around us. I was told I was to become a student of spirituality… what ha-ha??? My time there was super busy. It was like I was to make up a lot of ground and begin my learning of modern spirituality! During this time, I was also to learn Reiki Healing and Channeling. “Christ Light” is my first experience in seeing his energy and how it lit a room up. The Universe brought to us 26 students in evening classes on 2 nights a week definitely something I had done in a past life

4th signpost. My daughter asked me to try Yoga, and to this day it holds priority in my life’s practices. I am not natural at this, but the energetic feelings after a session cannot be denied as that is for your higher good.

 Love that Yoga; -

 Derived from the Sanskrit word “Yuji,” meaning yoke or union, yoga is an ancient practice that brings together mind and body. It incorporates breathing exercises, meditation, and poses designed to encourage relaxation and reduce stress

5th signpost, through Yoga I met Brenda (natural medicines) she trained me in Yoga and levels 1 &2 in Reiki. Brenda is a guide to many people within her teachings many other energies joined us, especially during Reiki attunements you could feel the warmth and love they provided. Brenda triggered something inside of me. - next big influence.

6th signpost, enter Ian, ‘Tera-Mai” also known as “Seichem” Reiki Master he attuned me to levels 1 & 2.- Ian was introduced by another mentor of mine at that time. - 7th signpost, enter Maria (ex-schoolteacher and psychologist) who was on a path to learn Buddhism and eventually take me to reiki master. Maria attuned me to Reiki Master in Usui and Seichem.

It was around this time the Universe decided I was doing way too much work I had 3 jobs and the spiritual work and lived outside of Perth. Bang! Loss of the right eye vision. I reviewed my jobs and concentrated on 2, not 3. We cannot blame the Universe for such things this was self-imposed I ignored the signposts to stop and review my life.

8th signpost, Kim the Tarot Master teacher trained us all to be Practitioner over 12 months I was led to her course by listening to my intuition and following it.

9th signpost, enter JS an ex-schoolteacher/psychologist. We met at Kim’s course, “Nothing is by chance” and a friendship started. Two totally different people from different backgrounds there were hours and hours of work on the Tarot, Palmistry, and spiritual evolvement we both shared.

10th signpost, attending the Fremantle Town Hall to do public readings, there was approx. 25 readers and others in a hall with up to 100 people always waiting to have a reading. The Fremantle Town Hall was renowned for having a spirit of a dead man present which added to the interest of the old hall. I had many experiences around this and was first introduced by spirit to people, not of this dimension.

11th, 12th, and 13th -The Universe speaks to me via the 3 ladies at the Town Hall all sent here to affirm to me that I was meant to be doing this work. Amazing!

The 14th signpost was removing unwanted spirits from a couple of houses we have done this a couple of times and only on request using my Reiki energy in both cases. An experience, but not something I feel drawn to do nor have I been actively doing I could feel the unwanted energy move past me and out of the house.

15th signpost, a few meetings at a spiritual gathering home Jack and Jill’s house in Nettleton Rd. Byford were groups of people meditated together – on what was said to be an Earth Chakra.

16th and 17th were activities involving Yoga wherein I visited Kookaburra Creek Yoga Centre in Bedfordale and Align Yoga Centre in Mandurah at different stages over the years, both I would highly recommend.

18th signpost, trips to the Serpentine Buddhist temple to meet the Monks, exchange food, and meditate in the great hall. That is an experience all should take.

19th signpost and forever, all my readings and people I have worked they have been amazing and added value to their life and mine.

20th signpost, I have a friend who was working with deceased spirits he told me of his experiences and how to assist lost souls to find home.

21st signpost, working with the Reiki energy has revealed to me there is such a thing as “White Lights”, I have seen sheets of White Light around active Reiki practitioners as they work away on clients with the energy healing it also enters others’ energy through my hands as a healer. “The practitioners were exchanging ideas on Reiki and bunched together, behind them the walls fixtures were not to be seen due to the amount of White Light they were generating, and when I asked them to focus on a photo the walls fixtures appeared- WOW”.

22nd signpost. Whilst working with Maria my Reiki Master we had a visit from a rather large and strong “Guide” for the people we were working within a Reiki Healing and Balancing session, this force was so strong it made me move away from the side of the massage table we were working on with clients.

23rd signpost, practicing meditation has been a very strong part of following a path and working with the intuition of energy this is so important and cannot be understated, it allows you stillness, which is important in balancing life. It gives you the strength to stop, step, away and say no to things that come up in your life as you feel you have your power. 

24th signpost. With experience, you get to know how important it is to start your working day off with a good routine of self-care. AM- routine includes order, self-healing, yoga, and finished with meditation all prior to breakfast. No diary or work focus until set up for the day’s activities. If only I had known about this when I was in my 30s, with that in mind part of our mission is to get our clients to accept self-love and to work on this process. PM-write in a journal what bugs you or things you want to change, it helps offload so many small unimportant things we worry about. End the day with meditation prior to going to bed or a light Yoga session or your local gym.

25th signpost, always strive to keep a balance with Body, Mind, and Spirit as all three are our responsibilities.

26th signpost, 2 business guides in Alison and more recently Timi have assisted in many ways with Web site assistance and social media.

The Universe loves the workers in this field as it is always about the higher good of the people involved, with experienced readers should come ethics, confidentiality, and loving guidance through intuition and the power of the Universal energy stream through channeling.


Work on your Spiritual Self- it is Gold


Channeled- from 11/4/2023