Reiki and Sleep - Tips to consider.

Reiki can benefit sleep in many ways. If you are experiencing sleep disruption, Reiki can help restore your sleep patterns. Alternatively, you may be getting enough overall sleep hours, but your sleep quality may be suffering through overheating or noises waking you for a brief amount of time. Our sleep can also be disrupted even though we are not consciously awake.

Some may benefit from these points before a Reiki treatment to help with sleep issues, you should also ensure you are engaging in healthy sleep hygiene practices such as:

· Avoid eating prior to sleep

· Stop caffeine in the afternoon and limit alcohol consumption at night

· Identify any medications that may be disrupting sleep and notify your doctor

· Ensure your bedroom is a quiet environment that will promote relaxation.

· Remove any devices that will distract you from going to sleep.

· Wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing

· Ensure the temperature of the room is comfortable.

The most common benefit of Reiki is a sense of relaxation and wellbeing. This can provide enormous benefits in developing a positive sleep environment. When you are relaxed and open to a positive experience, you can release any held tension you may have about getting good sleep. Feeling tense about getting poor sleep can initiate a self-fulfilling prophecy where the tension of not getting good sleep will impact the ability to get a good sleep in the future. Reiki can help break this negative cycle.

If you conduct Reiki on yourself, you can choose to practice before getting into bed as part of your night-time ritual. OR, In the morning it is a perfect way to start the day.
Alternatively, you may wish to practice Reiki once you are in bed and settled into your bedtime position but understand you are limited to hand positions when laying down.- Reiki goes where Reiki needs to go so allow it to flow.

If you feel your sleep disruption is from worry or active thinking, you can focus your Reiki efforts on your head or resting slightly on your stomach or chest area. You may also want to hold your hands over your cheeks and jaw if you find yourself clenching your jaw at night. These areas are usually most comfortable for you to focus on while you lay restfully.

You may also like to apply Reiki to your Chakra points, the third eye.


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