Benefits of Journaling

Journaling helpful tips.

This has been proven to be a magic way of clearing and connecting to your Soul and higher purpose.

Clear your mind, take a deep breath opening your mind to receive checking in with your heart centre.

Asking; -

1.      Where am I at? What has been happening in my life things you may want to change negative and positive things.

2.      Where am I at? Am I able to listen and receive an open to the highest possibility towards what I am to create?

3.      What is keeping me from moving forward checking in with your Body, Mind, Energy, and emotions. I- Looking for feedback.

4.      What am I doing right?

5.      Sit in the energy around this so you absorb your inner work.

6.      End by writing freely let it all out and helps clear a lot of stuff, doesn’t have to make sense just let it flow. Some random thoughts may be downloaded, channelling everything review and take action steps as you feel. LET IT FLOW.


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