The tarot course - Update

Keeping myself busy working through the Tarot course I have promised to complete.
The Major Arcana are the most complicated and doing the research reminds me of how intense and revealing these cards can be! Never underestimate the tarot it is far-reaching into our lives.
Every time you work with these you are connecting deeply to the place where the Divine lies, and where you know your true self as also God. You will be creating a direct connection, as your psychic abilities open.
Therefore the purpose of Tarot and similar work is centred around "soul growth'', it is the reason why we are here, to grow. Tarot works directly to this area opening and clearing ways for better understanding if you allow so.
Truth, find it and be that person.


6 Steps to a better life - Something to ponder on.


World wide Reiki. We need you.