Tips to still the Monkey Mind in Meditation

We all have the endless chatter and noise in our head, often referred to as the monkey mind.
The endless chattering in your head as you jump in your mind from thought to thought while you daydream, ponder your relationships or worry. Through meditation, we can clear our mind, but in doing so we invite the monkey into our mind.

What tools do we have to work with for this and how to play down or control the Monkey Mind, so develop meditation and concentration?

• By concentrating on one thing it slows us down.
• Be aware of thought let them rise and fall without placing value on them.
• Focusing on the breath while you meditate.
• Observe your thoughts and then return your focus to your breath.
• Some breathing meditations focus on the rise and fall of the breath through the abdomen.
• Others have you concentrate on the sound of the breath.
• Light a candle and focus on the flame, keep the gaze soft and unfocused try not to blink. Close your eyes when you feel the need and continue watching the flame in your head.
• Chanting, devotional singing, and mantras also still the mind.
• Be kind but firm with the Monkey Mind.
• The next time the chattering arises, notice it and allow it to go away.
• With practice, your monkey mind will become quiet and so will you.
• With practice stilling the mind will come, so persist there are many benefits in meditation.

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What we feel


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