Something happened out of the Blue! I didn’t expect that!

Been living in the now not pushing out to far, feeling aligned then “whammo” something happens so unexpectedly.

Why did that happen? Ours is not to fully access why, as the ego mind will take us to. Try and feel why keep it simple! Can you do that?

Could be as simple as changing directions, going to a different shop, and you cross paths with an old contact, it happened to me, scary if you didn’t want that contact again.

This event may just be enough to take you out of a comfort zone you were in or open your eyes to what is really happening in your life.

When an event “happens” to you out of nowhere, unexpected even when you have been following signs and synchronicities, pay attention! But don’t overly analysis feel what your Heart tells you. When you experience an event, understand it is the Universe guiding you in a very direct way!

An event may be the Universe communicating directly with you, by shifting the course of your destiny, disrupting the previous pattern of your life so that you may move forward more quickly in the process of your soul growth.

 Everything for a reason! Flow in the now as best you can.

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Update on the journey - Thank you Universe


Why being present in the now is where we need to be!