Importance of Meditation


How do you find balance and clarity during all that is happening in and around you?
By mediating a few minutes every day will return you to you!
That mind can be a madhouse of routines, activities, commitments, intentions, and desires. What about the unknown, unplanned, and unexpected that occur with every text, email, phone call and conversation. Before you know it, you've been carried away and reacting and lost track of the dream you set out to manifest.
How do you find clarity and sanity? Regular meditation is the key.
All the ancient wisdom traditions of meditation and achieving complete consciousness of mind teach us that the key to living a life of deep fulfilment. Spending time in meditation every day has been scientifically proven to soothe your sadness, ease anxiety, boost your memory, lessen anger, lower your blood pressure, promote restful sleep, strengthen your ability to trust, and increase your compassion.
Meditating every day will allow you to move through life, with greater grace and ease. You ride the bumps easier, less stress.
You will transform the world by transforming yourself.
See you in that space!

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Changes happening all around us!


This resonates so strongly, and so true in the work done with spirit.