Why Meditate
Meditate or not? They say it is good for you.
There are times when we feel the pull to meditate but we are swayed from it by the excuses that spring to mind. Think that we are too busy, have no time to ourselves, or that we do not have the right place to meditate. Our minds can think of dozens of reasons to put off meditation. But those are even stronger reasons to look past the illusion of the hustle and bustle of daily life and to connect to the place within that intersects with the timeless power and limitless potential of the universe. From that place we can experience that WOW factor in stillness that always exists, and it is only as far as away as our breath.
It might be useful to ask yourself why you would put off something so beneficial to your peace of mind and general well-being. There may be fear that if you were to stop your frantic pace, your world might fall apart, and then you would have to face the undeniable reality of who you really are and the results of the choices you have made. You might be afraid that you will be forced to make huge changes in order to align yourself with the universe and harness your true potential. Sometimes the frustrations of the known world seem less scary than the possibilities of the unknown. But the truth is that when we cooperate with the universe by creating our lives from the truth of our being, life becomes less of a struggle and more of a process of living blissfully on purpose.
Whenever you can take the time to center and focus, it will remind you how beneficial it is to connect to your source. Then you will make the time for longer sessions of spirit, because once you are rejuvenated and enlivened by knowing that you are made of energy and light, you can channel the power to create your life in alignment with the highest potential of your soul.
Up for the challenge? Good place to start place meditation in your daily diary as a must do.
Send me a pledge, that you will do this on a regular basis and I will remind you.
Just make space in your life for this, be it in a room in stillness or watering the garden.
Letting go clearing emotions